G:URL*s Talk: First steps in Unreal Engine

G:URL*s Talk poster
Ready to dive into the world of Unreal Engine? Join us for an inspiring talk by C++ developer Yekateryna Shramko at G:URL*s!

When: 21.11.2024, 6:30 PM
Where: Seminarraum 3, U1, Währinger Straße 29

Ever wondered what Unreal Engine can do and how to start without advanced C++ skills? Yekateryna will walk us through the basics, perfect for beginners curious about game development. Learn from her journey, working alongside a mentor from a AAA game studio, and get insights into best practices in modern game dev! Yekateryna’s dream? To create a grand-economy strategy game that’s as scientifically accurate as it is challenging. Don’t miss the chance to be inspired and pick up some game dev tips!


G:URL*s Talk
Scan the QR code on the poster to sign up or use the following link: https://lu.ma/dltquwe6

Note: This event is exclusively for FLINTA (Women, Intersex, Non-binary, and Transgender folks) to foster an inclusive and empowering environment. See you there!


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